这是一个故事和在线游戏,适用于通过追逐真理克服了谎言墙的认知失调的人类。 对于想要将新真理与逻辑相结合以采取适当行动以建立更美好世界的人们。 对于那些接受我们仍然难以理解的奥秘的人,但是我们必须面对。 在我们的游戏中,我们建立了一个克服主要邪恶的虚拟世界,也许这个世界有一天会叠加现实。

Alisa Selezneva (Seleznyova) is the character of a modern fantasy story from a beautiful fare away country. She holds a crystal device that can listen to the thoughts of the people. Read here the introduction to her story, or watch the movies, because in the following series she will narrate, how her country overcame the invisible parasites that have suppressed her ancestors for many millennia.

In 1984 the Russian TV told her story, how the crystal was stolen from her and how she had to get it back in our world. As she has made so good friends back then, she came back to explane her magic crystal how it works.

We interpret Alisa to come from a beautiful far away country through a portal as it its said in her final song.

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